viernes, 21 de mayo de 2010

AA David Rutten/Grasshopper Computing Architectural Concepts

David Rutten/Grasshopper

Computing Architectural Concepts

Can the dichotomy between obsessive tooling and strong design agenda be overcome? Can innovative software like Grasshopper be the ideal platform to marry computation, creativity and ecologic thinking? What can be done to accelerate the process?’
This lecture by Grasshopper developer David Rutten and some of his independent collaborators will engage with these questions, introducing the history and ideas behind this novel parametric modelling software as well as some of its experimental future plug-ins operating at the borderline of geometry, mathematics, physics and biology.
The lecture has been curated by Marco Poletto (Inter10 Unit Master) and is part of the Advanced Conceptual Design Workshop series held by ecoLogicStudio in London.

For more information, go to

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